Services: Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Balancing, Reiki Healing, Women's Spirit Healing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage. Ohashi Shiatsu infused massage. Aromatherapy is available in any service; scent is never used without consent.

Energy Healing, Craniosacral Balancing, and Women's Spirit Healings are fully clothed.

45 min $90

60 min $115

75 min. $125

90 min $145

About the services: Craniosacral Balancing is a gentle and profound therapy that works with the cerebral spinal fluid. It also aids in connecting the body, mind, and spirit. It is a delicate modality that helps to restore and regulate the central nervous system and helps facilitate the client into a theta state where healing can begin. It is a safe and intelligent approach to addressing and releasing trauma.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a systematic approach focused on the lymphatic system. It is a gentle form of bodywork that boosts the immune system, helps reduce long COVID symptoms, helps with post-surgery swelling, and aids in regulating and calming the nervous system.

Energy Healing & Reiki Creates deep relaxation and assists the body in releasing stress and tension. Boosts the body's self-healing abilities Helps with insomnia Lowers blood pressure Helps reduce pain Improves quality of life and complementary soft modality for cancer patients. It can relieve acute injuries and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aids with the breaking of addictions Can uplift and regulate mood both pre and postpartum Helps to remove energy stagnations, bringing one's body into balance and harmony. Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins Provides relief from the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recovery from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy Increases vitality and postpones the aging process Helps spiritual development and emotional sanctification Helps to integrate body and spirit to create individual autonomy and is a tender way to heal trauma.

Women's Spirit Energy Healing $150/60 min

This profound, high-level mystic female healing moves through all seven layers of your Aura, your energy channels, chakras, your spiritual anatomy, and so much more! In this Healing, I will be working with three different symbols. So, I have been doing the above Healing three times. Once with each symbol is activated. I will also be inviting in a deeper part of your spirit. This part of you may have been lost, stolen, or just forgotten about from trauma, pain, illness, and surgeries. It reunites you with this more profound spirit of you and your original essence as a being. It is profound magical Healing. It is the Cream de la creme of female energy healing.

A General Energy Healing: I will go through the seven layers of your Aura, your energy channels, your chakras, and your spiritual anatomy. Clearing out any blockages helps create lots of movement and flow and reunites you with your original essence. When energy can flow, it can bring Healing to your energetic and physical bodies.