Energy Healing remote or in person


An energy reading is not about looking into the future. It is about saying hello to you as an energetic being. If you feel stuck or lost, or like a part of you is missing. An energy reading is a profound and tender way to help you reclaim any missing parts of yourself and validate who you are and why you are here in this lifetime.

7 Layer Women's Reading and Healing: In this reading, we will look at the energy in the seven layers of your Aura and chakras. I will clear any blockages that have been in the way of you having access to your higher self, your gifts, and your talents and get your energy back into movement. I will look at who or what is setting the tone for you as a woman, and I will look at your truth as a woman. At the end of this reading, I will give a short energy healing.

General Readings, very similar to the above with specific questions.